John Whipple, Jr.
CPA, Managing Shareholder
(716) 701-7646
A shareholder of Buffamante Whipple Buttafaro, P.C., John (Jack) Whipple, CPA, is the firm’s Chief Executive Officer. Jack puts the “W” in BWB— not just because of his surname but also because he is #Winning.
With his 40-year background, Jack helps to guide clients to incomparable success with expert advice on structuring tax-motivated transactions, financing and strategic planning. He is a notable consultant on valuation and litigation support engagements, buy-sell agreements, mergers and acquisitions. His audit experience includes family owned entities and various financial service entities.
A graduate of St. Bonaventure University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, emphasizing Accounting, Jack has been a licensed Certified Public Accountant in the New York State since 1981.
Jack’s professional memberships include the American Institute of Certified Public Accounts and the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants. He is a current board member of Community Bank, N.A., serving on the Audit and Governance Committees. He is a member of the Bartlett Country Club, as well as past director and president, past treasurer of the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation and a past officer and member of the board of directors of the Mental Health Association in Cattaraugus County.
Fun Facts About Jack
Describe your first car and what you loved or disliked most about it? 1967 Plymouth Fury. Green, 4-door sedan, purchased in 1973 for $650. A nice, solid family car and christened, “The Green Gag” by a woman friend. Every 18-year-old’s dream.
What’s the most unusual item in your desk drawer? A cap with a green visor.