Justin Isaman
CPA, CMA, Manager(716) 701-7636
A manager at Buffamante Whipple Buttafaro, P.C., Justin Isaman, CPA, CMA, helps to compile, review and audit financial statements for corporate clients. In addition, he provides support with general tax assignments. He is a graduate of St. Bonaventure University, where he earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s in Business Administration with a major in Accounting. Justin has also earned the designation of Certified Management Accountant.
When he’s not hard at work providing personable and premium audit and tax services to BWB clients, he might be found hovering over a laptop or tablet reading the latest about the Buffalo Bills on BuffaloRumblings.com—win or lose, always a loyal fan.
Fun Facts About Justin
What is the most unusual item in your desk drawer? Miniature Lego Star Wars Transporter.
Describe your first car and what you loved or disliked most about it. A white Dodge Neon with white plastic hub caps and my friends called it Snow White. Not exactly cool.
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