Grace Butler
Accounting Support Professional(716) 701-7630
Grace Butler earned her bachelor’s degree from SUNY Morrisville and SUNY Oswego. This same sense of prudence makes Grace a tremendous asset in her role as an accounting support professional at Buffamante Whipple Buttafaro, P.C. She assists our audit and accounting staff in various ways. Grace's ability to communicate with audit and accounting clients helps our team complete tasks efficiently.
When she’s not rolling up her sleeves and putting in a hard day’s work at BWB, she’s riding horses, judging horse shows, or having binge sessions of the newest Assassins Creed game.
Fun Facts About Grace
What embarrassing mistake have you made that has taught you a lesson? Always wear shoes on wet concrete….
What’s your dream occupation – the one job you’d love to do if you weren’t doing what you are doing now? Anything involving horses – Lessons and showing.