Mike Staley
CPA, CFE, CPCU, Shareholder(716) 701-7642
A graduate of The Ohio State University, Michael Staley, CPA, CFE, CPCU, holds more than 30 years of experience as an auditor and business consultant. A shareholder and director in the assurance services department at Buffamante Whipple Buttafaro, P.C., with significant involvement with insurance industry clients, Mike helps clients to rest easy by helping them to resolve regulatory and competitive challenges.
In addition, Mike prepares financial projections, corporate income tax returns and pension plan audits. His scope of engagements also includes consolidations, various management consulting projects and merger and acquisition support. A notable audit consultant, Mike helps business leaders identify best practices for enhancing efficiencies and internal controls, mitigating fraud risks, improving corporate governance and implementing statutory accounting principles.
Having come a long way since driving his first car—a stick-shift Dodge Dart Sport with no air conditioning - Mike devotes a substantial amount of time to professional and civic activities. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the New York Society of Certified Public Accountants, the Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants, CPCU Society, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, and a member of the New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia Associations of Mutual Insurance Companies.
Mike is chairperson of the finance committee of the St. Mary of the Angels parish festival and a member of The Ohio State University Alumni Association. He is also a member, and the former treasurer, for the Kiwanis Club of Olean and a member on the board of directors and treasurer for the First Church of God, former treasurer for the Genesis House homeless shelter, former member for the finance committee of the Pennsylvania Land Title Association.
Fun Facts About Mike
What’s your guilty pleasure? See how many minutes I can beat a GPS’ predicted time for a trip.
What’s your favorite sports team and how far will you go to show your support? The Ohio State University football team. I would be willing to paint the Ohio State logo on my garage door.